For any assistance on Accessibility Room availability and Hotel facility information, Or for any special requests kindly contact Hotel +1 (850) 386-2121
In most cases, any Tallahassee extended stay hotel on Highway 27 will provide you courtesy, but staying with us means even more. We are a pleasing extended stay Tallahassee, Florida hotel with a staff who genuinely care about you having a pleasant experience when you stay with us. If you need to contact us for any reason during a stay or before or after, you can be sure that we will provide you an excellent guest experience no matter how you reach out. We are the budget-friendly, quality place for you - and we genuinely look forward to dealing with you. Now, how may we help?
Suburban Extended Stay Hotel
522 Silver Slipper Lane, Tallahassee, Florida 32303, US
+1 (850) 386-2121 | +1 (850) 386-3632